Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation (GIFSEP) in partnership with Oxfam through funding from the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs are implementing a 55-months project with the primary aim of amplifying and uniting the voices in Nigeria to ensure that women, youth and indigenous communities defend and realize their human rights and live a decent and dignified life in a healthy and sustainable environment, within the context of the climate emergency. Dubbed the African Activists for Climate Justice (AACJ), the Project’s long-term impact is a strong and inclusive African movement that has mobilized citizens, companies and governments (local, national, regional, global) in support of climate justice. The project is being implemented in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia and South Africa. The overall project objective is to ensure strong, inclusive and effective movement promoting climate justice, while keeping governments and companies accountable. Also, that policies, practices and frameworks that advance climate justice are adopted, funded, and implemented.
The following five pathways are expected to contribute to the strategic objectives: –
- Pathway 1: Strong, inclusive, connected climate movements in Africa
- Pathway 2: African Climate justice narratives developed and spread
- Pathway 3: Strengthened human rights frameworks
- Pathway 4: Communities’ adaptive capacities strengthened
- Pathway 5: Political will to support climate justice policies
The focus within each pathway is on capacitating, activating and mobilizinglocal communities, constituencies and (young) citizensto defend their rights in the face of a changing climate and to join movements that urge governments, the private sector and citizens to act on the climate crisis. The AACJ Project mainstreams two crucial themes. The first one is inclusion and intersectionality; ensuring groups in vulnerable positions are playing a key role in all Programme interventions. The second one is civic space; empowering local groups and organizations to navigate shrinking space, and to protect rights defenders against harassment and attacks.
Climate Risk Register
A Climate Change register highlights climate risks that have the highest likelihood and potential to have a significant impact on local communities resulting in wide-scale disruption. Community risk register identifies the risks that have the highest likelihood of happening in a community. Being aware of these and the consequences of these incidents will help communities to be prepared should such an incident occur.
Importance of climate risk register for communities
- It is a disaster risk reduction approach that helps to conduct an effective disaster response.
- Helps us identify and map local capacities to cope with climate change risk.
- Ensures that communities have an accurate understanding of the risks they face and to provide a sound foundation for planning. Ultimately,
- It also ensures that our emergency response does no harm by replacing or reinstating critical vulnerabilities.
Objectives of the Consultancy
The main objective of this consultancy to engage the technical expertise of the consultant to;
- To facilitate the training of trainers (ToT) community activists on community climate change risk management including;
- How to facilitate the development of community Climate Change Risk Registers
- To build the capacities of the community activists to be able to effectively increase climate change knowledge, awareness, and preparedness at the community and LGA levels
- To support project team to build the capacity of communities to effectively manage disaster planning and emergency response in an anticipatory manner.
- To support the project team to help communities to develop Climate Change Risk Registers as tools for Disaster Risk Reduction.
- To develop and share relevant materials that will help in delivering and development of comprehensive community climate risk registers (CRR) including;
- Community climate risk management training manual
- Comprehensive community climate risk register tool/template
- Facilitation guide for supporting the community in developing a comprehensive climate risk register.
- Any other relevant tool
- To support the project team in carrying out community-level engagements.
Justification of the Consultancy
The impacts of climate change are already confronting many communities in Nigeria, ranging from drought to desertification to heatwaves etc. These impacts continue to have significant toll on live and livelihood of vulnerable communities. Again, the exposure of different communities varies due to many factors. However, communities have used indigenous knowledge to cope with these impacts over the years. Consequently, the AACJ project recognizes the need to scope and scale community-based best practices as highlighted through Pathway 4. This is of utmost importance in building the resilience of vulnerable communities through a well thought out integration of indigenous knowledge and modern science in community adaption practices.
Scope of the Consultancy
The consultancy will involve the following:
- Training of 50 community activists to facilitate community climate risk register in each of the 23 LGAs of Benue State.
- Facilitate 15 climate risk register in 15 LGAs across the 3 senatorial district of Benue State
- 1 day training of community activists on how to facilitate community climate risk register.
- 15 climate risk register from 15 LGAs across the 3 senatorial districts of Benue State.
- A comprehensive report of 23 communities Risk Registers and 15 LGAs risk register stating the methodology used.
- Collected data should be presented in infographics.
Selection Criteria
We are looking for an organisation with the following qualifications:
- The team lead or individual must possess a postgraduate degree in Climate Change, Risk and Disaster management, environmental management, sociology or related disciplines.
- Proven experience in community mobilization and interaction.
- Be conversant with participatory approach to community engagement
- Demonstrable capacities for carrying out the scope of this consultancy
- Be conversant with application of cross-cutting themes such as gender mainstreaming.
- Have experience working in Benue State.
- Possess data management and data analysis skills.
How to apply
Applicants who meet the above requirement are to submit a proposal with the following information
- Proposed technical proposal (with details on methodology).
- Financial proposal
- CV demonstrating relevant experience and skills including previous experience in community climate change engagement/research.
- Name and contact details for at least two referees
Completed proposals (technical) and (financial) should be submitted to info@gifsep4climate.org and copy i.joseph@gifsep4climate.org . Deadline Friday 31st May, 2024 at 5pm.