Level Up, Africa! Why School Is Cool For The Future

An Africa Day edition by Abah Anita

Hey there, history buffs and future fans. Africa Day is here, bursting with colors and celebrating the continent’s amazing story. It is a day Africans all over the world unites to high-five their heritage,reflect on their awesome ancestry and get hyped about what is next.

Africa Day is celebrated every year on the 25th of May. It is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the African Union [AU]. It is an opportunity to celebrate the African diversity and success, and to highlight the cultural and economic potential that exists on the African continent. It is also a day to acknowledge the progress that we have made while reflecting upon the common challenges such as poverty,inequality,political instability,climate change and environmental degradation,limited access to education and healthcare;faced by every African state in a global,regional and local context.

Africa’s got a brag-worthy history of smarts and creativity, from the mind blowing math of ancient Egypt to the cutting edge medical discoveries happening right now, the continent’s been dropping knowledge bombs for centuries and in today’s world, African innovators are shaking things up in science, tech and arts, proving Africa’s potential is off the charts.The drive behind this year’s theme of Africa is basically challenges faced in the education sphere of Africa; it aim at building resilient education system for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa. This year’s Africa day is not just about the past,it is about leveling up the future. Which brings us to the theme for 2024 “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century” which basically means, getting schools ready to rock the modern world.Why? Because education is the jetpack that will launch Africa into a brighter and greater tomorrow.

Here’s the catch: to truly unlock this potential,African schools need to upgrade. Limited access to quality education for children, especially the Girl-Child in rural areas, is a hurdle. Outdated textbooks and lack of resources make it tough to prepare students for the wild ride of the 21st century. Hence closing this digital gap and getting everyone connected through technology is a crucial key.

So, how do we fix this? Africa Day 2024 is a Call to Action for everyone to join the education revolution and here’s how you can be part of it;

  • Be champion  of change: support efforts to pump funding in African schools
  • Start a campaign: a campaign that focuses on training teachers,or ensuring that the textbooks found in the libraries are fresher than last week’s meme.
  • Tech rules: promote the use of cool and updated tech tools in classrooms.
  • Educate children most especially girls: support programs that break down barriers that hinders the Girl-Child education and create opportunities that aim for their development.because when everyone gets a shot at learning, the whole continent wins.
  • Encourage  parents to invest in their ward’s education: create awareness enlightening parents about the importance of education and the impact it has on their development and welfare.

Africa Day is a celebration of the continent’s spirit, its  vibrant past and its future that is shining brighter than ever. And acknowledging both the achievements and challenges faced, especially in education, we can work together to build a stronger and prosperous Africa, by investing in schools and equipping the next generation with skills for the 21st century. Africa can also stand on the global stage, So let’s celebrate Africa Day and commit to supporting this education revolution. The future of Africa is counting on you and me.One Spirit! One Voice! One Africa!



