Nigeria is set to elect a new president, governors and members of parliament in the first quarter of 2023. It is the right of every citizen above the age of eighteen (18) to vote and select the representatives of their choice. From now leading up to the moment when voting will commence, citizens are tasked with the responsibility of getting to know the proposed representatives and to enlighten themselves as to the plans, mission, vision and goals of proposed representatives as to how they plan on ensuring sustainable economic growth and development.

In recent times, there has been increased knowledge and awareness about climate change and the need for climate change and the need for climate justice. Citizens are expected to ask proposed representatives about plans to adopt to mitigate and adapt to climate change and how they intend to ensure climate justice in Nigeria. Here are some ways government can combat climate change and ensure climate justice:
- Protect and restore key ecosystems
- Support small agricultural producers
- Promote green energy i.e. renewable energy
- Waste management
- Develop adequate adaptation and mitigation measures
Citizens should elect government officials who are familiar with issues associated with climate change, and those who have a strategy to checkmate the effects of climate change has on the environment and its citizens. Voters should desist from electing government officials based on religious and cultural bias, but based on officials who will put the interest of the entire citizenry and that of generations yet unborn at the forefront of their governance agenda.
Only representatives that will ensure the following should be elected:
- Economic growth and development
- Infrastructural development
- Full employment of resources
- Equitable income distribution
- Environmental preservation
- Secure, just and equitable society for all
- Balance of payment equilibrium
- Social security
Let’s vote wisely for leaders that will work to secure our lives and properties, secure the future of our children and generations yet unborn. Let’s use our votes to ensure climate justice, equity and fairness. Let’s vote for climate.
#LetsVote4Climate #Vote4Climate #getyourPVC
By Farydah Ahmed